
Sunday, November 2, 2014

When Life Gives us Lemons

Well. I usually enjoy recapping my thoughts here, but lately I have been ignoring them, blatantly.  I have been overwhelmed with a sense of peace, and I have not been able to quite put it into words (in my head, let alone actual written ones).  Nevertheless, here I am ready to keep our little life journal afloat....

Sept 12, seven weeks ago, Aaron and I went on a most beautiful bike ride together. It was on a Friday afternoon, and we were just feeling the sense of fitting in to the Duluth life.  Aaron mentions to me, after the rid, he wants to go play football with some med school friends.  One hour later he is calling me to run outside to take him to the hospital.

I did not believe him at first, I really did think he was joking-but he wasn't.  He said he thought he had tore his Achilles's tendon. And so he had.  We went to the ER and they, fortunately, sent us to Urgent Care. So, Friday night was spent in urgent care getting to wait in a waiting room for a nice, young, doctor to give Aaron some crutches and a big boot and tell us to go see the doc (an orthopedic) first thing Monday.  Life changes dramatically.

Aaron says he was just going to run a hard cut, and the next thing he knows he falls over with the feeling he got kicked in the back of the leg....and when he looked back, no one was there.  He was pretty calm about the whole situation (which, with the Wynn genes I inherited, is probably why I thought he was fine/faking).  He wasn't.

So, it's been almost eight weeks and I have learned a lot. I have learned to love being a do-er.  I have never realized how much I rely on Aaron, until this.  I have had to do the laundry alone the past 7 weeks. Sure, I'll probably do laundry alone for a lot of years, but these recent ones, he has always helped me.  I have had to take the trash out, make dinner, clean the house, make lunches, fill the car up with gas...and the list goes on.  I have learned what it means to be selfless. I would not call myself selfless, but I am learning what it really means.  Aaron has done zero, yes ZERO complaining (ok well maybe except for wanting to go out and play football or soccer or...anything, but I wouldn't even count that). He is kind, he is helpful, he is loving.  I have had a hard time excepting him being hurt, and it's only a small injury compared to others,   but, it has affected our lives, and it will continue to for awhile.

- and then -

Three days after Sept 12 I decided to eat an avocado.  While attempting to pit the avocado, holding it in my hand of course, the knife slid off the pit, and sliced right through the middle of my ring finger and pointer. I would say the cut went into my hand a good half-inch.  It wasn't a big deal...except I couldn't feel my entire hand the moment it happened.

So, off to the ER, who sent us to urgent care, who sent us to the waiting room for awhile, and then to stitches.  It was a terrible experience (maybe another day), and let's just say, two visits to urgent care, 4 stitches, and a surgery later, and we are ready to be out of the health care learning lesson for awhile (knock on wood).

So, while this may just be a little hiccup in the road, it's a big, little hiccup.  I am at peace knowing things happen for a reason. I am at peace knowing the Lord is here to help us. I am at peace knowing there are surprises in our lives.

 I am at peace knowing I have Aaron by my side.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Peaches & Cream

We love to eat peaches and cream. It is so delicious.  Aaron introduced this to me, and Argentina introduced it to him.  It's a light kind of dessert that's got a great blend of simply delicious flavors..peaches...and cream.  Simple is a thing for us these days.  

But something I have been thinking is that truly not everything is "peaches and cream."  We know that but I am re-knowing it.  No, I'm not being all negative, it's just a plain truth. If all we ate was peaches and cream, well it just wouldn't be the same dessert to us. In fact we probably wouldn't be able to refer to it as dessert at all.  Life is like that, I am learning again. I love peaches and cream, but not all the time.  I love the happy times in my life, all the time, but that doesn't mean it's only made of happy times. We have had hard times but we still love our lives.  Aaron and I have made a choice to be here in Duluth, MN. A choice to have him go to medical school and for me to work. So we love our choice and carry on! Even if not everything is peaches and cream because hey, it's ok if everything's not!

It's exciting. But not all peaches and cream.  We have had to learn a how to register a car, get your own apartment (MUCH more difficult than in p-town), pay utility bills, set up internet for ourselves, etc. etc. etc... But, even though those aren't really peachy things to do, I still appreciate them for allowing me to enjoy the moments that are peaches and cream.  

Duluth, we're here to stay (for awhile at least)....
let's enjoy some peaches and cream together.

Lakewalk, downtown Canal Park

Canal Park...just so photogenic all the time...and Aaron too!

Brighton Beach, Northshore...the lake seriously sparkles, SPARKLES! when it's sunny out.
And, the water is only brown because it was so windy this day that there where huge waves kicking up the rocky brown bottom of the lake. Otherwise it's pristine blue.

Tettegouche State Park (camping trip!)

The man that truly is the epitome of peaches and cream. I just love him.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Things are happening around here!

I feel like this summer we have been around the world and back again.

Our newest addition to the passport book:

Because if Barack goes there, we do too

We have gotten to participate in so much, and I am so grateful.  We had so much fun, and now it is time for a different kind of fun.  The routine fun...ya know, where you go to school/work and you find something extraordinary in the ordinary.  I love routine, I do.  

Mall of America... This is for you, Mom!

At the Andrew Bird concert. (Sadly our only pic)

 We got back last Sunday from Canada.  Even Prez. Obama visits there, so it's legit.  It was really fun...Kathy and Derek were days from moving to England so there was a lot to do, but they did it! And with grace. They were so calm and fun still...a good reminder and example to me of how to be when it's a stressful time. We had a lot of fun with them and bouncing around with the kiddos!


Coolest! A real levy lock system! They crank them by hand and everything!  
(I couldn't see over the rail...yep)

Beaver tails! YUM

The Kathy Derek Family (since we're all technically the "smith's) is so much fun! We had a great time and are so grateful we got to see them before they were off! That new little baby is adorable too, b t dubs.


The gang! Minus Kayla, another bud

Aaron's first week, which was only orientation is over, and I think he is realizing that the work is coming. But it's also kind of exciting. Even when we would talk about medical school a year ago, or even during the application process, it just didn't seem like it was at an arm's length.  Now we are doing it, and I feel like we can do this.  Aaron is prepared and he is ready.  He always says that graduating high school and even with his undergraduate degree never really meant anything to him because he always wanted to be a doctor, and now's the time that really counts for him.

Ya, I know, he's inspirational. He makes a goal and makes it happen.  It's awesome. And here he is in all the glory of a white coat:

This ^ is the best picture. I think it will be one of my favorites for a very long time!  I have learned so much with him and from him, and I honestly can say not every moment has been peaches and creme, but every moment has been worth it!  

Thursday, July 31, 2014

$4, a Y decal shirt saving the day, and the worst thing ever to do in your *free* time.....just rambles for a day

We bought a $4 end table. FOUR. CUATRO. Ya, 4 bucks.  It's not even (that) crappy either. I'm satisfied.

Like the kind you put at the end of your couch (if we ever have a couch).  Good dealy-o.  Now we are just hoping it doesn't break when we put something on it!  But we now *OFFICIALLY* own an end table ($4), TV stand thingy ($24+tax), and a kitchen table ($40).  We are feeling good...we've been able to spend (SO FAR) a 1/4 of what we had thought for the kitchen table and end table! Below budget and life is good.  BUT now we are realizing how empty our little apartment is. Actually no, it's a big apartment. I don't know why I chose a two bedroom one (well except for the fact that that was pretty much all I could find in our range of price and location.  SO. We have two bedrooms.  I think I thought having more space at home would make up for Aaron being gone...?? Anywho. We have A apartment now and we're grateful.  Except for the emptiness part..but time is our friend on that one.

I have been kind of a bum lately. And when I say kind of I am. I have worked hard on a lot of applications. And even saying that I know isn't exactly the whole truth because the jobs I REALLY wanted I sent the application over to Steff to look over before I turned it in..and what that means is she did a makeover on my job application stuff so now I rock....sort of.  Or sort of not. But it looks WAAAY better. And I'm so grateful.  I even got a job...not my first...or second picks..but with being in Duluth Minnesota I have really become used to taking 3rd, 4th picks..or even something that wasn't a pick.  But, with all my bumminess I have realized something: Call the Midwife is the worst show.  It makes me so stressed every time a baby is being born. I can't watch that show again until I have one or I will not be able to...too bad I already watched the first 2 seasons (ouch). So, I've learned a lot obviously in my free time about things.

Now, off to better things to keep in mind. A Y t-shirt.  They have those big Y decals on the front. You know, a big circle on the front, right in the middle, with a Y in it!  The greatest shirts, really.  So, I remembered a little funny that happened while at my mom's house right before we left.  Aaron and I were watching soccer or something, he was sitting up-right and I was lying down with my legs over his lap. THEN I fell asleep.  What came to light after that is hilarious. I woke up with Aaron's face on my shoulder/chest.  Why is that funny? It's not.

The funny part is his drool laying in my Y decal. YES! You'd better believe it. It was a pool-a-drool (pool of drool) was just sitting there.  Waiting for another drip from his mouth to make a ripple in it! So, what am I trying to say? IT DIDN'T SOAK THROUGH. Hal-le-lu-jah!  Honestly, I wouldn't have cared if it did I love the guy so much.  I just love to remember stories like this because they make me laugh and I love to remember them on random days and just laugh to myself.

Speaking of laughing to myself, I really have been doing that lately about something in particular that's not Aaron's drool....

Mattresses.  I HATE them. I do. You spend half of your life (or more?) on a mattress!!! And to make things worse you don't even get to pick them out in different colors. They're always white (at least on top).  So. Aaron and I have been looking for a new other-half-of-our-life and it's been cracking me up inside. It is SO awkward. The mattress industry and salesman really need to reassess how they're doing things. I hate going to a random place (that's usually more department-store feeling, ya know wide open spaces..not a lot of wall separations kind of thing. And you are expected and encouraged even to LAY down in the middle of it. It's so awkward. Especially when the salesman comes up to you while you're trying to imagine a (hopefully good) night's sleep on the thing and says "feels good doesn't it" because then automatically I don't want to buy it.  So.  Mattress are officially the worst things to buy. It's a terrible experience that I don't want to have again any time soon. But, in the mean time, I can giggle to myself about all the random places I've laid down in and felt really stupid.  Maybe I'm self-conscious, but at least I can laugh about it.

Well, enough with the rambles. Aaron and I are healthy and well and that is something to be grateful for! After tomorrow Aaron will have only one week left in his summer session, and will be ready for the real deal in the fall! Things are beginning to settle in...slowly, but they are.  I even got to have the sister missionaries over to teach a discussion today with a beautiful girl that reminded me of my dear Miss Carolyn. Tall and beautiful.  Anyways, she's getting baptized and it is so refreshing to look at her and see her light! She is so cute and I am excited to be her friend! Did I mention she runs cross country and track for UMD. Ya, she's cool.

Life is good here in Duluth. I'll say that. It's been an adjustment. Will keep being one for awhile. But I have come to remember that "I can."  I can do this.  I have the best thing in the world (Aaron forever) and so I just need to keep the chin up!





Because these just seemed to fit the random thoughts of my brain today.


Monday, July 28, 2014

We did move and we are ready to admit it.

 Or should I say I am ready to admit it?

 If we opened the back doors...well we just didn't open them. But let's just say we probably wouldn't be able to put everything back in the car if we tried to do this again.  

Like seriously how did this all fit: 

and this isn't even everything....

So looking around our dorm room, I really believe it is a miracle and blessing we were able to fit what we did into our car...AND that nothing went wrong on the way!

We are moving into our little apartment down the street from the university on Friday! (If all goes well that is) It's been a little bit difficult finding and nailing down a place to live. Whenever an apartment said "ready now" or "available now" it was never 'ready' or 'available' now. BUT! We found one and it is all working out just fine. 

When we got here, the first thing we did was go down to the shore and take a walk.

It is really beautiful. In fact it's so beautiful it's a wonder that there even is a winter here (I'll be eating those words in a few months I'm sure).  

 We also recently took a ride on the North Shore. Supposedly the best biking around.  It was SO beautiful. It follows the shoreline (obviously) and is truly a sight! There are wild flowers the whole way, and it's (semi) safe.  And how I am forgetting the best's FLAT! There are hills everywhere...EVERYWHERE here. And this was a doable ride since my gears are all messed up and if there's a hill I'm never sure if I'm going to be able to downshift or have to walk my bike up the hill.  Aaron's bike, of course, runs so smooth he can't get enough of it. He loves that thing and it's fun to see him and his hobby in action.

We have had a lot of fun together. It seems so strange to have Aaron start medical school. We were both shocked to find out the summer program was an all day type thing, but we're hoping this is a great head-start for him for the fall.  You only get to do medical school once (hopefully) after all!  

So, here we are. Duluthians. Minnesotans (or Minnesohtahns as they say).  And we're here to stay...for at least 4 years. And then we'll see how we've lasted the winters and such!