
Sunday, July 28, 2013

A little bit of everything.

We like a little bit of everything around here.  We like Chinese food, Sri Lankan food, American, and yes, Mexican.  We like outdoors and indoors, and hot and cold, we like friend time and alone time, family time and fun time.  We like to read books up in the canyon, take bike rides around P-town and to our favorite tree.  We just like a little bit of everything.

The only real problem with this is that we both are not picky.  So when it comes to deciding what to do or what to eat...well, it's hard!  (hard life, huh?)  But we get by  :)

Lately we've been doing a little bit of everything.  We have been spending time with family, rafting, camping, running, and much more.

Here is us at our latest Pioneer Day Race!  This is Utah's holiday, and this was a very special race.  It was from TEMPLE TO TEMPLE.  Can you imagine?  Here, RIGHT HERE, in Provo we will have not one BUT two! TWO! temples 3 miles away! 3. THREE. TRES.  I just cannot believe it.

So, a stake here in Provo put on a 5K (3.1 miles) from "Temple to Temple."  It was free, unless you wanted a chip and shirt, then it was $8.  Yes. 8.  We did the free thing, but it would've been the cheapest (timed) race out there!  There were seriously so many people, it looked like a sea of people coming down 100 east in Provo, and was such a sight!  I couldn't get over how amazing it was; there were 5,000 people.  And all for the temple! :)  What a blessing it has been to live so close to a temple.  I only hope that wherever we end up, we'll be somewhat close! Right now Mamma Smith goes to the temple in Monticello which is about 2 hours from her.  What a saint!  Her dedication empowers me to go to the temple which is only a mere 10 minute drive for us (or 25 min bike ride for us right's uphill ok!)

Here are some pics of the Temple to Temple 5K!

Here's everyone walking up to the start line!

The start line.  CROW-DED.....and beautiful.

My Number One getting ready for the start.  Did I mention we walked (power walked) all the way from our house to the temple so we could do this?  :)  Such a good man.

My good friend, and old teammate, Maddie! We used to run for BYU together, and now we're in the same ward!  So fun...she still beats me!  (this is during our final stretch...while running!)

They had a bunch of signs along the way, although with the crowds of people I couldn't see them well.  This is one closer to the finish.  They all had something to do with our Pioneer Heritage.

This is about 200 meters (or less) from the finish!  Some people (cough Aaron) would walk to hear, and then-as the finish was around the corner-make a dash for the finish line!  Always cracks me up.

Another of the finish...about 150 to go!

These lovelies were all along the way-THANKS Elders and Hermanas (Sisters)!  It was so fun and encouraging to have missionaries along the ENITRE route.  So cool. 
(These were also taken while running..I'm pretty talented) 

We also went river rafting (we should really say floating) last weekend.  It was lots of fun...and super hot! 

Yep.  I got pooped on. I was just getting ready to take a drink...and the next thing I know this white, gooey stuff is in my hand.  G.R.O.S.S.  GROSS.  I was just standing under a tree..and that bird should've been asleep in his nest already! 

The evidence. 

US!  We had a lot of fun with Johanna too! She was quite the river rafter!

Our attempt at getting a moonlit picture by the water....

This little guy jumped up at me and scared me as I tried to feel the water least it wasn't a snake like I first thought.  These little guys were all over the place actually, kinda fun.

Here's the crew getting things put together.  We had 2 large rafts and 2 2-man rafts.  Quite a fun way to do it!

Here's some of our friends!  Jessica (far left) goes to school with me, Hilary (middle) is our new found friend at the U (yes, I said friend and U in the same sentence), and our fav sis Hanna on the right!  What a bunch!

The CREW!  URTA retreat July 2013, Green River, UT

 Here's a couple pics of the view!

It truly was beautiful down there in Green River.  The muddy (and I mean MUD-DY!) river wasn't the greatest, but the mountains and scenery sure were beautiful!

I already feel like summer is winding down (and there are 5 weeks left!)  Carolyn, my BFF, comes home from her mission in 10 days and I am excited for that.  Too excited.  Tomorrow Aaron starts his job as a BYU Custodian.  What a champ...4:30am arrival time for that each morning.  He has received 3 secondaries so far, for med school, and we are taking that as encouragement! We are feeling so blessed right now, and hope we can maintain our optimism through whatever may come our way this year, as it will be quite the year in the Smith home. 

Here's to all those little bits of everything we have enjoyed lately!  
(root beer floats, walks on Sundays, bike riding b/c no car, Japanese steakhouse, game night with friends in the ward, new Wolverine movie, and even a candle lit dinner!)

He loves me.

We love our "little bit of everything" personalities.  


Friday, July 19, 2013

Just trying to go to sleep...

I go to bed last night, trying to be good reading my scriptures right before I go to bed..on our ipad...and as I'm finishing up Aaron comes to bed.  Well he gets into the bed on the side closest to the door (yes, we have sides).  That just so happens that that side is the side we put the ipad usually.  So I reach across him to put/drop-ish the ipad on that side, and Aaron yells "Wait! There's water there!"

Of course I had to turn on the lights to see what he was talking about.  

He had gotten my huge glass salad bowl and filled half-full with water and ice.  He then had a face towel ready to be dipped in.  

I laughed, but turned the light off to go to bed.  

Right as I turn over and my eyes shut, I get a cold chill on my bunsies.

YES.  He put an ice cube down my pants.

(Let's just say we're lucky that the whole bowl of water didn't end up on him)

Love him.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's All About the Small, Little Things

I love when I come home and this is what I see:

Don't judge peeps, we're still in college!

Now, this may not look perfect, but hey!  I'm so proud of him!  He made the bed, my husband.  It makes me want to shout for joy! :)  

Last night I got home and he also made dinner and did the dishes (at least 90% of them).  Honestly, I didn't know what to do with myself.  He wouldn't let me help, and well...I'm not sure how to handle free time at home :)

What a great man he is!

On a side note, see if you can listen really closely:

(The bed and contact case scenes are me trying to be sneaky and not get caught...Aaron poked his head out a couple times, and well I couldn't have gotten caught that easily!  I was pretending like I was cleaning out the cupboard under our sink....tehehe so sneaky of me...)

I love my life. Seriously.  Things just keep getting better and better with this amazing guy.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

91 Years

A lot can happen in 91 years.

In the last 91 years the following has happened:
  • tommy gun invented
  • band-aid created
  • first robot built
  • insulin
  • lie detector machine
  • traffic signals
  • technicolor
  • penicillin
  • bubble gum
  • electric shaver
  • car radio
  • scotch tape
  • frozen food
  • electron microscope
  • Polaroid photography
  • helicopter
  • slinkies
  • kidney dialysis machine
  • atomic bomb
  • super glue
  • Barbie Doll
  • microchip
  • cassette -> vhs -> dvd -> digital
  • Spacewar (1st computer video game)
  • artificial heart
  • word processor -> mac, mac book, mac book pro, ipod, i touch, i pad, etc...
  • post-it notes
  • push through drink can
  • hepatitis B vaccination
  • cell phones
  • HD TV
  • WWW (world wide web)
  • Java
  • Web TV (digital TV now)
  • Hybrid Cars
  • field camera-fits easily in the palm of a small hand
  • and need we mention books?  ...HARRY POTTER

This list (thank you google -> for the info) is mostly inventions.  We didn't even take a crack at history-women's rights, US presidents, world trade, economy, etc... that's happened in the last 91 years.  

So, as you can see, a lot happens in 91 years.  Ask Grandma Wynn.  She would know....


We visited her a couple days before her birthday and decorated her apartment with some b-day signs!  

Doesn't this one make Aaron look like a giant next to us?  I guess he is though...compared to us.

What a remarkable woman she is!  She loves her husband, kids, and grandkids.  I've never seen a more pure love for others, than from this wonderful woman. Her kindness, properness (yes, properness), and love will always be examples to me. I am so grateful for this woman in my life.  How grateful I am especially that she raised my dad to be an amazing man, husband, father, and friend.  Thank you grandma, for a wonderful life that is so full of love! We love you! Happy Birthday you sweet gal you!

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Brave One

Some gems of last weekend's backpacking over-nighter..

When it comes to bravery, we all know who's bravest.
I'm all talk. He's...well usually all talk, but not this time!

He did it...he really did it.  This was after he said to me: "too bad Jake's not here because then we'd like jump in together and swim across."  Mhmmm..I'd like to see that.
That water was like 50 degrees, cold!  I would know, since I've taken ice baths for the last 8 years (running).

Me on the other hand....well, let's just watch:

(This is also when we realized we were getting eaten alive by bugs...)

And now...

We had a fun trip!  It was beautiful and we can't wait to get out and do it again! (with bug spray!)

This is why I married the man.  What a courageous one.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Time!

Dad, Cody, Ellie, Jake, S (niece, doesn't like internet prowlers knowing too much! smart mom), Hanna, Mom and Dad Smith, and back with just Hanna.   (And Aaron... ;) he's back too! hehe...)

Boy has our house been full!  From getting home from Maryland we've housed this many people!  We have loved the company and people coming in to visit!  It's going to be a harsh start to school when everyone's gone and we're busy with school again...and no visitors to keep things exciting (yes, that's my invitation to everyone to come!)!

BUT! Only busy for one more year!  Aaron and I both officially graduate in APRIL!  What a blessing.  Only my mother understands (I think) how tough it has been for me to reach this point where I (hopefully) will receive a diploma from college....and with a double major, mind you!  The cool thing is that Aaron and I both are graduating with double majors in Spanish.  Which, for Aaron, is even more awesome because he will have taken pre-med courses along side all of that!  What a road it has been...on more year! And counting.

We have had SO much going on.  SO much so that I have had to tell myself to get back onto my regular routine-like life.  I like going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time in the morning.  It's refreshing, and something to be counted on.  But, I have learned to appreciate spontaneity......For example, last weekend Heather, Hanna, and I drove down to Gallup, New Mexico for the Red Smith Family Reunion.  And it was worth it!  Although it was a lot of driving for a short amount of time, it was an amazing trip!  Aaron and I got to talk with some relatives.. all the little girl cousins (14 and under) were in love with Aaron.  It may have had something to do with the fact that he would let them jump onto his back and he would carry them around.
(Pictures reunion coming soon!)

A quick snap while in Monument Valley...the grand kids!

We also got to be there for our nephew, Adam's, baptism.  What an experience.  We were all crying.  It was so special.  It was "just" family for the baptism, which was nice.  I say "just" because that was probably close to 20 people.

Aaron and I went camping Friday night. Our first [mini] backpacking trip!  We forgot one thing, and well let's just say this is what I felt like in the morning:


(I left that much space for dramatic effect Steffers...)

Ya.  We forgot bug spray. FORGOT How in the name of Atlanta do people "forget" bug spray when they're going camping? I DON'T KNOW.  But we did.

At least we know that will N E V E R happen again. NEVER.

I'm serious.  We won't forget. 
never EVER

We had bug bits ALL over us.  And when I say ALL, I mean it: back, legs, face, etc... (don't want to get too personal here so I'll use etc... as the other parts of the body).  It was brutal. I got home and took some Advil and rubbed cortisone lotion on me everywhere like it was some exotic, expensive, desired Balm of Gilead and I had it.  Except it only lasted for like..10 minutes. 

Finally (for today) ODE TO SUSAN:



These are just a few photos of many of our dear Susan.  She served us well.  THANKFULLY Aaron is ok.  He sustained some bruises and cuts on his arms, but he was fine.  We are so grateful for that! But not for losing our prescious Susan...she will be missed! Here's to bikes again! :)  It's hard for me to forgive the lady that hit Aaron, but I am was what they call an "accident" after all....
(They were both going straight in opposite directions on the same road.  Aaron heading west, lady heading east. All of the sudden the lady just turns left right into him...Texting? That's my vote anyways.  She says she "didn't see him" but even the policeman said it's "really hard to see a red car"...sarcastically obviously)

Needless to say, a lot has been going on! The summer has just been flying by...and so much has been happening it's just hard to keep up with it all.  

We're trucking along and have officially made it to 6 months!  What a grand 6 months it has been!  Can't complain (except about dirty socks ;) )  too much!  I love this kid...

Families are forever.